Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Weight Loss Diet Why Nutritional Cleansing Gets Fast Safe Natural Weight Loss

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Weight loss has become an obsession in a nation where 63% of the people are overweight and a startling 31% are obese. Clearly our modern lifestyle is not healthy. Many people are desperate to make a change and will try any 'magic-bullet' weight loss cure that is offered - still the obesity rates climb. What are the reasons behind this trend? The stress of our lifestyles, toxicity in the environment, unhealthy processed food, improper nutrition habits, and lives spent in our cars, small offices and houses with little or no time in fresh air. Our lifestyles seem designed to make us fat.

People desperate for weight loss will try any diet, take any pill, and even resort to surgery to try and get their weight under control, but if they don't deal with the underlying issues that lead to obesity in the first place they are bound to regain the weight leading to an ever increasing waistline. There is no 'magic-bullet' to take away obesity. In order to counter the effects of our unhealthy lifestyles it is necessary to deal with the underlying issues that are causing the obesity in the first place. We can learn from the lifestyles of ancient cultures where the diet is predominantly fruits, grains and vegetables and where fasting or nutritional cleansing is an accepted practice.

We are surrounded by more chemicals with higher levels of toxicity than ever before. These chemicals can build up in our body and compound the problems of improper nutrition leading to obesity. Nutritional cleansing is a great way to help our bodies deal with toxicity. By eating healthy meals, predominantly of vegetables and lean protein, and by taking regular cleanse days to flush the toxins from the system our bodies will re-set the natural balance and weight loss will automatically follow. Unlike fasting, nutritional cleansing is not simply a process of not eating. When you undertake nutritional cleansing you drink a specially prepared vitamin and mineral packed supplement that will help increase your energy, cleanse the toxins from your body and even help your skin and hair regain the gloss of health.

Simply by reprogramming your life to eat healthier food, drink plenty of water and cleanse the toxins from your body you will see results. Not only will you lose weight, but you will have more energy, feel healthier and best of all, have reduced cravings for those unhealthy foods. The best thing about nutritional cleansing is that you can achieve weight loss without going on a diet!

By John Scevola

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Friday, 26 March 2010

Weight Loss Diet An Overview Of Rapid Weight Loss

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A rapid weight loss program will require important changes in your life if it is to be a success. One of the most important aspects of losing weight is attitude and changing bad habits and replacing them with new, but good ones, something that requires a certain consistency. There are quite a few things that can impact your weight loss, a few of these are named here:

Obesity or weight problems that may endure in the family

Previous mental trauma

Desire to lose weight

Excess weight can cause a number of health problems, including those of self image and worth. Although the health risks are reduced when somebody starts to lose that excess weight, it is the self-confidence and self-esteem returning that is the most noticeable. It is for this reason that so many people are searching for a rapid weight loss method that will trim down those fats and get a super slim head-turning body. Regular exercise and a healthy nourishing diet are also going to be part of this plan of action. Exercise should be regular and ordered with at least fifteen minutes per day doing anything that is good for cardiovascular health, like swimming, running, brisk walking and even dancing.

It ought be remembered that despite the number of rapid weight loss diet plans around, they won't all work with everybody that is on them, there will be different weight loss speeds and levels of success with anyone that uses them. If you discover that your exercise regime and dieting aren't supplying the weight loss quickly enough you may need to adjust your regime accordingly. Each person has a unique metabolism and when a particular plan isn't proving a success, it does not mean that success cannot be found with another dietary plan.

Exercise plans must be fit each person so if walking is all that can be done, then walk. Although, try to improve the pace you walk at as your diet progresses, not forgetting that you will look better when your fat is changed into muscle. Drinking fluids regularly throughout the day is essential. Drink plenty of water on your rapid weight loss program, at least 8 large glasses daily and remember it also flushes out poisons from the body. Getting rid of fried foods from the dietary plan should almost go without saying as the fat content in these foods is incredibly high and in some cases, this will include certain fish too.

Wherever possible have your food grilled as virtually all of the fat is destroyed, if not all of it so it's much healthier. We all want energy to execute daily tasks, and more if we do physical activities, so do not stop eating carbohydrates otherwise you will discover yourself exhausted all the time. Generally speaking a plan like this can enable somebody to lose around a pound each day as it is based on a diet of between one thousand to fifteen hundred calories on a daily basis.

By Dola Raheem

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Monday, 22 March 2010

Weight Loss Diet The Best Way To Use A Weight Loss Calculator

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Using a weight loss calculator can help you determine, to the exact number, how much weight you have lost due to your weight loss plan. Many people swear by a weight loss calculator because it provides them the accurate numbers they need to complete their weight loss goals. It also helps give them a good indication as to where they are headed if they continue their current course of action. Using a calculator to determine your weight loss is a great motivating factor if actually seeing the numbers drop or go up is a way in which you are motivated to lose weight.

Other people are not motivated by actually seeing the numbers of their weight loss cruise by on a calculator or a computerized mechanism of any sort, so they rather keep a general basis marking of what it is they need to achieve and rely on scales to get there. In other words, they would rather intermittently weigh themselves instead of having constant calculations of their progress. It really, in the end, all comes down to personal preference in terms of whether you decide to use a weight loss calculator or not and actually ends up revealing an awful lot about how you intend to lose weight.

The Basics Of The Device

You can start using your weight loss calculator the instant you get it out of the box. It will calculate your goal weight and your actual weight and begin to deliver state of the art attempts at telling you how much you will need to lose by when to get to your goal. It will even logically try to measure out what you will need to lose in amounts coupled with times, so that you can accurately see if you are on track towards your weight loss goals. It calculates body types and other elements, too, to give you as close to an accurate weight loss estimation as possible.

You should, of course, remember that a weight loss calculator is just an estimation of weight loss and cannot at all accurately guess exactly how you will end up in terms of weight loss. You can, however, use it as a rough guide for yourself and determine how much weight you need to lose and how you need to lose it with its assistance. This is the best function it can offer you because using it for an objective source is simply not going to work out.

By Eddie Lamb

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Friday, 19 March 2010

eight Loss Diet Natural and Safe Weight Loss Tips

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Of the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in this article I will cover the Physical Dimension which is most important for the reduction of Kapha and the correlating reduction in weight.

Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda:

1. Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss:

Obviously an anti-kapha diet is the place to start when looking to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.

2. Exercise for Weight Loss:

The following Ayurvedic guidelines should be followed for proper exercise with regard to weight loss:

* More Exercise the Better: Kapha's qualities of fixed, dull, heavy, soft and cold are all negated via exercise. In other words, the more exercise you do the more you reduce Kapha and therefore fat in your body.

* Exercise Without Excessive Strain: According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need the most vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should never be extreme. Find a good balance between doing too little and over doing it. Breaking a nice sweat is good, but being totally breathless is probably too much.

* Be Consistent: A Kapha body type has a propensity towards weight gain so you need to make exercise a daily part of you life. The hardest part will be to get the exercise program underway. Once this is done Kapha people tend to be very determined and steady, so they will be able to adhere to it long term. Getting started though is another matter for Kapha types and usually requires shock treatment. In the spirit of shock treatment, understand that by NOT exercising and NOT losing the weight you are putting your longevity and quality of life at risk. Enough said, start today!

* Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga offers an excellent way to include holistic exercises into your fitness program. These exercises will not just help you lose weight, but will also help your overall health and well-being.

* Post Exercise Diet: After exercises do not drink cold liquids. This period is key as you are trying to increase the metabolic fire in your cells so they burn more calories and drinking cold liquids at this time will negate this important benefit which exercise bestows.

3. Hard Physical Work to Burn Calories:

According to Ayurveda reduction of Kapha is promoted by living a physical, active lifestyle. In today\'s age of technology, computers, TVs, TiVO, internet, etc, manual labor is getting more rare for people to do. So you need to consciously incorporate physical work into your life. Whether that be mowing the lawn, tending to the garden or shoveling snow, it is important to not live a sedentary live of watching TV and eating twinkies.

4. Massage Therapy to Reduce Fat:

There are many treatment modalities in Ayurveda of which massage is highly recommended. In the context of weight loss and reducing Kapha, strong massage with light oils such as mustard or flaxseed is helpful.

5. Sleep Guidelines for Weight Loss:

No napping or going to bed early. If you want to reduce Kapha and weight remember you burn more calories when you are awake and being active, than when you are happily snuggled under the blanket.

By Anmol Mehta

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Hello World!!!

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Welcome to Weight Loss blog... :)

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